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Coaching vs other approaches

Coaching is a form of personal support and as such is related to a range of other types of support that are used in higher education, most notably mentoring and tutoring. The term can be confusing as it is used in different ways in different contexts. Sports coaching, for example, tends to be more directive, provided by an older expert in the sport and includes some tutoring. At the other end of the spectrum, life coaching can be entirely non-directive, with the coach providing the stimulus to the client to resolve issues rather than offering any kind of advice. Our own use of the term coaching is at the non-directive end of the spectrum. We use the term "coaching" to refer to a non-directive, client-centred and driven form of support, which can be provided by anyone skilled in coaching regardless of their knowledge and experience of the field in which the client needs support.  This form of coaching differs from mentoring and tutoring in the amount of direction given, the locus of control within the relationship and the subject expertise required by the support provider. 


We have produced a short role-play video to illustrate the key differences between these three forms. Note that in all the videos that follow, the particular styles have been exaggerated to make the point. In practice, most support includes some elements of all three styles. However, we maintain that support is most effective when coaching is the dominant and default style. 



To learn more about these different styles, compare the full versions of each session:



These videos form the basis of the learning module Introduction to Coaching (zip download).


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