
Personalised Learning through Coaching Learning Resources

 These Learning Modules can be used directly using the web-links or downloaded. They are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike Unported Licence and can be edited as long as the original attribution logo is retained and the resulting resources are similarly licensed. 


Taken together these modules provide the content for a Personalised Learning through Coaching module (see PLC case study).


Achieving your Dreams

This orientation activity encourages the learner to think about what is important to them and what they need to do to make it happen.

Web version  Download zip file



This activity considers the nature of reflective practice and how it is used to develop a reflective journal.

Web version Download zip file


Introduction to Coaching

This activity introduces the concept of coaching by comparing it to other styles of support, specifically tutoring and mentoring.

Web version Download zip file



This activity explores the concept of personalisation, considering where it has originated from in education and what it might mean in a higher education context.

Web version Download zip file


Adult Learning

This activity explores the nature of adult learning, often termed "andragogy", and how it differs from children's learning (pedagogy). 

Web version Download zip file


Intentional Change

This activity explores personal change management, focusing in particular on the Intentional Change Model proposed by Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee.

Web version Download zip file


Learning Styles

This activity explores learning styles and preferences, beginning with Kolb's learning cycle and discussing Honey and Mumford's adaptation of Kolb's learning styles, as well as the more "popularist" view of learning modalities known as VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic).

Web version Download zip file


Appreciative Inquiry

This activity introduces Appreciative Inquiry, an approach to change that focuses on strengths, successes and positives rather than problems and negatives.

Web version Download zip file


Stages of Change

This activity considers two models of change: the Prochaska and DiClemente Stages of Change model and Fisher's Process of Transition.

Web version Download zip file


Professional Competencies

This activity considers professional competency frameworks and how they relate to professional and personal development.

Web version Download zip file


Models of Coaching

This activity explores two models of coaching: the GROW framework and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Web version Download zip file


Coaching Tools and Techniques

This activity introduces a selection of tools and techniques, used to support the coaching process.

Web version Download zip file


Inner Game and Emotional Intelligence

This activity looks at the Inner Game and Emotional Intelligence, which are both focused on raising self-awareness.

Web version Download zipfile


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