Mini Case template

{Guidance note (delete when complete): Try to fit mini case material under these headings - cut down version of the full case. Don't worry if you need to change them slightly - but it would be helpful to try to do them in a consistent form. Delete everything in {} when you are finished!}



{Guidance note (delete when complete): Give brief details of the context, type of learners and learning environment in which the activity took place.}


What we did

{Guidance note (delete when complete): What was done, who was involved (students, staff), give the details here. How was this different from previous practice? }


What happened

{Guidance note (delete when complete): What was the outcome? Was it as you expected? Were there unintended consequences? }


Benefits observed

{Guidance note (delete when complete): what benefits have you observed for students, staff? Include some evidence (quotes, video, audio etc) to back this up}


Key lessons

{Guidance note (delete when complete): Key learning to pass on}