Imagine yourself sometime in the future, choose any time interval you feel is right. Clearly picture what you are doing, how you are feeling, if you are with people or on your own. Now write a postcard describing these observations. As your future-self describe how you got to where you are, what changes you made and how you felt through the process.
This thought process clearly emphasises where the answers to your questions lie: with you. It is a simple matter of learning how to access them, which is not to say it is simple process to achieve. Future casting like this can be used in a variety of ways. An alternative process is to imagine meeting your future-self via deep relaxation techniques, and asking them the answers to your questions.
The key aspect in techniques that utilise your imagination is about altering your perspective. Quite often we get stuck with the same view and issues, and problems don't get resolved because we have tried all we can think of and can't see new ways around them. This is most evident when you see a friend stuck who brushes aside all the suggestions and help offered. They cannot see the issue from your point of view, where you might not even see it as being an issue.
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